Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Forever Young

Creative Post- Free verse poem, written in response to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Forever Young
Unfortunately, time does not stand still,
And life is constantly changing. Whether it be in the material
Or spiritual world, humanity is striving to change;
To maintain a status, achieve an image, and fulfill expectations.
When children, we can’t wait to turn sixteen, eighteen
And twenty-one. Yet, when we turn twenty-five, we long to be five again.
We long to have the imagination, innocence, and care-free attitude of a child.
We long to be young again.

While young, we are to work hard in school
And strive for success in hopes of going to college
To study more, to get a job, to make money,
To work and work and work
Only to feel tried and restless.
We long to be young again.
Even in our youth, we do not want moments to end.
We look forward to the future, but are sad to leave behind our college years;
The years where great friendships and memories were made, and
Where knowledge of both a certain discipline and oneself grew.
We long to remain forever young.

We long to run, play, dance, and sing.
We long to have light and loving hearts; ones that have not been calloused
And embittered by the inevitable occurrences of life.
We long to enjoy our youth, to follicle in the fields and dance the night away.
We long to remain forever young.

As I have come to realize, life goes on regardless of one’s desire.
Both glorious and dreadful moments soon pass away,
And most of the time our lives are spent living in the valleys;
Not on the mountain tops. So
We must learn the art of being content.
Content despite the state of life.
To rejoice whether we are young or old. To embrace our circumstances.
But we still long to remain forever young.

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